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Yakma ve Gazlaştırma Teknolojileri

  • Olgun, H., Rzayev, P. , “New Drying Systems for Crops”, International Journal of Global Energy, Vol.17, 1/2, 106-112, 2002
  • Kaya, D., Akgün F., Olgun H., Tırıs M., Şener T., “Türkiye’nin Biyokütle Potansiyeli ve Enerji Dönüşüm Sistemlerinde Kullanım İmkanları”, Termodinamik, 124, 11, 74-80, Aralık 2002
  • Uzun, D.,Özdogan, Z., “The Behavior of Sulphur Forms of Three Lignites Exposed to Pyrolysis Temperatures Between 350 And 950°C”, Fuel, 83, 7/8, 1063-1070, 2004
  • Uzun, D., Özdoğan, Z., “Sulfur Removal From Original and Acid Treated Lignites by Pyrolysis”, Fuel, No.85, Vol.3, 315-322, 2006
  • Öztürk, B., Okumuş, E., Demirciyeva, F., “Biogas Upgrading for Future Energy Carrier”, The Environment and Industry -INCD ECOIND,  73-77 , 2007
  • Kaya, D., Tırıs, M., Yaldız, O., Saraç, H., Ekinci, K., Koçar, G., Karaman, N., Ayan, E., Saraç, M., “Bitkisel ve Hayvansal Atıklardan Biyogaz Üretimi ve Entegre Enerji Üretim Sisteminde Kullanımı (Biyogaz) Projesi”, Mühendis ve Makina, Sayı 593, s. 1-13, 2009
  • Kaya, D., Çağman, S., Eyidoğan, M., Aydöner, C., Çoban, V., Tırıs, M., “Türkiye'nin Hayvansal Atık Kaynaklı Biyogaz Potansiyeli ve Ekonomisi”, Atık Teknolojileri Dergisi, Sayı 1, 48-51, 2009
  • Kaya, D., Çoban, V., Eyidoğan, M., Çağman, S., Yağmur, E., Akgün, F., Tırıs, M., “Biyogaz Üretim ve Enerji Dönüşüm Teknolojileri”, Atık Teknolojileri Dergisi, Sayı 3, 44-54 2009
  • Kaya, D., Yaldız, O., Saraç, H., Ekinci, K., Koçar, G., Akgün, F., Tırıs, M., “TÜBİTAK Pilot Biyogaz Enerji Santrali Proses Tekniği”, Atık Teknolojileri Dergisi, Sayı 4, 42-46, 2009
  • Varol, M., Atımtay, A., Olgun, H., Engin, B., “Investigation of Co-Combustion Characteristics of Low Quality Lignite Coals and Biomass with Thermogravimetric Analysis”, Thermochimica Acta, 510, 1/2, 195-201, 2010
  • Al-Kassir, A., Gassar, J., Marcos, A., Olgun, H., “Experimental Study of Gasification of Biomass Residues for Electrical Energy Generation”, International Journal of Energy Research, 1, 2011, Impact Factor:       1,928
  • Karataş, H., Olgun, H., Akgün, F., “Experimental Results of Gasification of Waste Tire with Air&Co2, Air&Steam and Steam in a Bubbling Fluidized Bed Gasifier”, Fuel Processing Technology, Volume 102, October 2012, Pages 166–174., Impact Factor;  2,945
  • Karataş, H., Olgun, H., Akgün, F., “Coal and Coal and Calcined Dolomite Gasification Experiments in a Bubbling Fluidized Bed Gasifier Under Air Atmosphere”, Fuel Processing Technology, Volume 106, February 2013, 666–672, Impact Factor;  2,945
  • Karataş, H., Olgun, H., Engin, B., Akgün, F., “Experimental Results of Gasification of Waste Tire with Air in a Bubbling Fluidized Bed Gasifier”, Fuel, Volume 105, March 2013, 566–571, Impact Factor;  3,248
  • Karataş, H., Olgun, H., Akgün, F., “Experimental Results of Gasification of Cotton Stalk and Hazelnut Shell in A Bubbling Fluidized Bed Gasifier Under Air And Steam Atmospheres”, Fuel,  Volume 112, October 2013, 494–501

Gaz Teknolojileri

  • Ersöz, A., Olgun, H., Ozdogan, S., Güngor, C., Akgün, F., Tırıs, M., “Autothermal Reforming as a Hydrocarbon Fuel Processing Option for PEM Fuel Cell”,  Journal of Power Sources, Vol.118, Issue 1/2, 384–392, 2003
  • Sarıoğlan, A.,Erdem Şenatalar, A.,Tunç Savaşçı, Ö.,Ben Taarit, Y., “The Effect of Dealumination on Apparent and Actual Rates of Aromatization of Methane Over Mfisupported Molybdenum Catalyst”, Journal of Catalysis, Vol.226, Issue 8, 210-214, 2004
  • Sarıoğlan, A.,Erdem Şenatalar, A.,Savasçı, Ö.,Taarit, Y., “The Effect of CAC2  on the Activity of Mfi-Supported Molybdenum Catalysts for the Aromatization of Methane”, Journal of Catalysis, Vol.228, Issue 1, 114-120, 2004
  • Olgun, H.,Ersöz, A.,Kaya, D.,Tırıs, M.,Akgün, F.,Özdogan, Z., “Simulation Study of A Pem Fuel Cell System with Steam Reforming”, International Journal of Green Energy, Vol.3, Issue 1, 313-325, 2004
  • Sarıoğlan, A.,  “The Effect of Support Morphology on the Activity of HZSM-5 Supported Molybdenum Catalysts For The Aromatization of Methane”, Journal of Catalysis,  Vol.246, Issue 1, 35-39, 2007
  • Sarıoğlan, A., Olgun, H., Baranak, M., Ersöz, A., Atakül, H., Özdoğan, Z., “Diesel Evaporation as the First Step Of Hydrogen Production”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol.32, Isse 9, 2895-2901, 2007
  • Sarıoğlan, A., Savaşçı, Ö., Erdem Şenatalar, A., Ha, V., Sapaly, G., Taarit, Y., “Activities of MFI-Supported Rhenium Catalysts for the Aromatization of Methane: Effect of Cationic form of the Inorganic Carrier”,  Catalysis Letters, Vol.118, Issue 7, 123-128, 2007
  • Ersöz, A., “A Simulated Auto-Thermal Membrane Reformer Process for a PEM Fuel Cell Micro Cogeneration Unit”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.4, Issue 3, 291-300, 3, 2009
  • Akgün, F., İlhan, N., Baranak, M., Özyönüm, G., “Yakıt Pilli Mikro Kojenerasyon Sistemi”, 177, 3, s.112, 3e Electrotech, 2009
  • Sarıoğlan, A., Korkmaz, Ö., Kaytaz, A., Akar, E., Akgün, F., “A 5 KWt Catalytic Burner for Low Temperature Fuel Cells: Effect of Fuel Type, Fuel Content and Fuel Loads”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol.35, Issue 21, 11855-11860, 2010
  • Aydınoğlu, Ş., “Thermodynamic Equilibrium Analysis of Combined Carbon Dioxide Reforming with Steam Reforming of Methane to Synthesis Gas”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 23, Issue 35, 12821-12828, 2010
  • İlhan, N., Özyönüm, G. N., Baranak, M., Akgün, F., “Enerji Verimliliğinde Evsel Mikro Kojenerasyon Uygulamaları”, Enerji Verimliliği, 1, 72–75, Ocak-Şubat 2010
  • Kaytaz, A., İlhan, N., Akgün, F., "Evsel Mikro Kojenerasyon Uygulamaları”, Tesisat Market, Sayı 137, 38–40, Haziran 2010
  • Özkara-Aydınoğlu, Ş.; Ataç, Ö.; Gül, Ö.;  Kınayyiğit, Ş.; Şal, Ş.; Baranak, M.; Boz, İ, “Alpha-Olefin Selectivity Of Fe–Cu–K Catalysts in Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis: Effects Of Catalyst Composition and Process Conditions”, Chemical Engineering Journal,   Vol. 2   2012, 181-182; 581-589
  • Sarıoğlan, A.; “Tar Removal on Dolomite and Steam Reforming Catalyst: Benzene, Toluene And Xylene Reforming”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol.37, Issue 10, May 2012, 8133-8142
  • Ay, Ş., Atakül, H., Özyönüm, G., Sarıoğlan, A., Ersöz, A., Akgün, F., Aksoy, P., “Design Studies for Monolithic High Temperature Shift Catalysts: Effect of Operational Parameters”,  Fuel Processing Technology, Volume 116, December 2013, 175–181,  Impact Factor;  2,816

Yakıt Pili Teknolojileri

  • Çelik C., San FGB, Saraç HI, “Effects of operation conditions on direct borohydride fuel cell performance”,  Journal of Power Sources, 185, 1, 197-201, 2008
  • Şener, T., Okumuş, E., Gürkan, T., Yılmaz, L., “The Effect of Different Solvents on the Performance of Zeolite Filled Composite Pervaporation Membranes”, Desalination, Vol.261, Issue 1/2,  181-185, 2010
  • Çelik, C., San, F.G.B., Saraç, H.I., “Influences of Sodium Borohydride Concentration on Direct Borohydride Fuel Cell Performance”, Journal of Power Sources, 195, 9, 2599-2603, 2010
  • Obut, S., Alper, E., “Numerical Assessment of Dependence of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell Performance on Cathode Catalyst Layer Parameters”, Journal of Power Sources, Vol.196, Issue 4, 1920-1931, 2011, Impact Factor:       3,782
  • Taymaz, İ., Akgün, F., Benli, M., “Application of Response Surface Methodology to Optimize and Investigate the Effects of Operating Conditions on the Performance of DMFC”, Energy, Vol.36, Issue 2, 1155-1160, 2011,  Impact Factor:       2,952


  • Kaya, D., Phelan, P., Chau, D., Saraç, H. İ., “Energy Conservation In Compressed-Air Systems”, International Journal of Energy Research, Vol.26, Issue 9, 837-849, Temmuz 2002
  • Kaya, D., “Eksenel Akışlı Açık ve Kapalı Pompa Çarklarının Pompa Performansına Etkisinin Deneysel Etüdü”, Mühendis ve  Makine, Sayı 508, 43, 47-54, Mayıs 2002
  • Akgün, F.,  “Investigation of Energy Saving and NOx Reduction Possibilities in A Rotary Cement Kiln”,  International Journal of Energy Research,  Vol.27, Issue 4, 455-465, 2003
  • Karahan, Ş., “Benzin Katkıları”, Petrol Dünyası, 1, 7, 34-35,  2004
  • Karadağ, Ç.,  Gülsaç, I., Ersöz, A., Çalışkan, M., “Çevre Dostu ve Temiz: Yenilenebilir Enerji Kaynakları”,  Bilim ve Teknik, 498, 24-27, Mayıs 2009
  • Gülsaç, I., “Okyanuslardan Gelen Enerji Dalga Enerjisi”, Bilim ve Teknik, 498, 58-61, Mayıs 2009
  • Aydar, E., Üresin, E., Livatyalı, H., “Yoğunlaştırılmış Güneş Enerjisinden Elektrik Üretimi”, Türk Tesisat Mühendisleri Derneği Dergisi, Sayı 68, 35–40, 2010
  • El-Kahlout, Y.;  Kızıltaş, G.,  “Effective Interpolation Scheme For Multi-Resonant Antenna Responses: Generalized Stoer- Bulirsch Algorithm With Adaptive Sampling”,  Iet Microwaves, Antennas and Propagationi, Vol.15, No:5, 2011,  1849-1856, Impact Factor; 0,682
  • Demirci, S., Emre, F., Ekiz, F., Oğuzkaya, F., Timur, S., Tanyeli, C., Toppare, L.; “Functionalization of Poly-SNS-Anchored Carboxylic Acid with Lys and Pamam: Surface Modifications for Biomolecule Immobilization/Stabilization and Bio-SEnsing Applications”, Analyst, 6, 2012
  • Şal, S., İmeryüz, M., Ergene, L., “Kafesli Asenkron Motorlarda Maliyet Kısıtı Altında Rotor Çubuklarının Analizi”, EMO Bilimsel Dergi, Elektrik Makinaları Özel Sayısı, Haziran, 2012, 131-136 

Araç Teknolojileri

  • Uçarol, H., Kural, E., “Ulaşımda Enerji Verimliliği için Hibrid ve Elektrikli Araçlar”, Mühendis ve Makina, 594, 50, 7, 66-71, 2009
  • Demirci, M., Gökaşan, M., “Sliding Mode Based Disturbance Observer Approaches for Vehicle Steering Control”, International Journal of Vehicle Design, Volume 62, Number 2–4/2013, 254-273 , Impact Factor;  0,460

Batarya Teknolojileri

  • “Geleceğin Araçları Batarya Teknolojilerine Bağlı Bölüm-1”, Enerji Enstitüsü, E., Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası, 63, 62-68, 2008
  • Mazman, M., “Enerji Depolama Teknolojileri” Kimya Mühendisleri Odası Dergisi, Sayı 173, s.10-14, 2009
  • Mazman, M.; Biçer, E.; Kaypmaz, C.; Tıldız, T.; Uzun, D.; Tırıs; M.; “Yenilenebilir Enerji İçin Elektrik Enerjisi Depolama Teknolojileri”,  Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası,  Sayı: 85, 4/2010,  66-72
  • Uzun, D., Doğrusöz, M., Mazman, M., Biçer, E., Avcı, E., Kaypmaz, T., Demir Çakan, R., Şener, T., “Effect of MnO2 Coating on Layered Li(Li0.1N0.3Mn0.5Fe0.1)O2 Cathode Material for Li-ion Batteries”, Solid State Ionics,     Volumes 249–250, 1 November 2013, 171–176

Çevirgeç Teknolojileri

  • T.Atalik, M.Deniz, E.Koc, C.Gercek, B.Gultekin, M.Ermis, I.Cadirci, "Multi-DSP and -FPGA Based Fully-Digital Control System for Cascaded Multilevel Converters used in FACTS Applications", IEEE Tran. on Industrial Informatics, vol.8, no.3, pp.511-527, 2012.
  • I.Yilmaz, M.Ermis, I.Cadirci, “Medium Frequency Induction Melting Furnace as a Load on the Power System”, IEEE Tran. on Industry Applications, vol.48, no.4, pp.1203-1214, 2012
  • I.Yilmaz, O.Salor, M.Ermis, I.Cadirci, “Field-data-based modeling of medium frequency induction melting furnaces for power quality studies”,  IEEE Tran. on Industry Applications, vol.48, no.4, pp.1215-1224, 2012.
  • A.Terciyanli, T.Avci, I.Yilmaz, C.Ermis, N.Kose, A.Acik, A.Kalaycioglu, Y.Akkaya, I.Cadirci, M.Ermis, "A Current Source Converter Based Active Power Filter for Mitigation of Harmonics at the Interface of Distribution and Transmission Systems", IEEE Tran. on Industry Applications, vol. 48, no.4, pp.1374-1386, 2012.
  • A.Terciyanli, A.Acik, A.Cetin, M.Ermis, I.Cadirci, C.Ermis, T.Demirci, H.F.Bilgin, “Power Quality Solutions for Light Rail Public Transportation Systems Fed by Medium-Voltage Underground Cables”, IEEE Tran. on Industry Applications, vol.48, no.3, pp.1017-1029, 2012.
  • B.Gultekin, C.O.Gerçek, T.Atalık, M.Deniz, N.Bicer, M.Ermiş, K.N.Kose, C.Ermiş, E.Koc, I.Cadirci, A.Acik, Y.Akkaya, H.Toygar, S.Bideci, "Design and implementation of a 154 kV, ±50 MVAr Transmission STATCOM based on 21-level Cascaded Multilevel Converter," IEEE Tran. on Industry Applications, vol.48, no.3, pp.1030-1045, 2012
  • C.O.Gerçek, M.Ermis, A.Ertas, K.N.Kose, O.Unsar, “Design, Implementation and Operation of a New C-Type 2nd Harmonic Filter for Electric Arc and Ladle Furnaces”, IEEE Tran. on Industry Application, vol. 47, no.4, pp.1545-1557, 2011.
  • H.F.Bilgin, M.Ermis.,, “Reactive Power Compensation of Coal Mining Excavators by using a new generation STATCOM”, IEEE Tran. on Industry Applications, vol.43, no.1, pp.97-110, 2007.
  • H.F.Bilgin, K.N.Kose, G.Zenginobuz, M.Ermis, E.Nalcaci, I.Cadirci I, H.Kose, “A unity-power-factor buck-type PWM rectifier for medium/high-power DC motor drive applications”, IEEE Tran. on Industry Applications, vol.38, no.5, pp.1412-1425, 2002.

Güç Sistemleri Analiz ve Planlama

  • O. B. Tör, “Combination of Transmission Capacity Utilization and Transmission Loss Tariffs to Form a Common Set of Geographical Tariff Zones,” International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Elsevier, (under review).
  • Ö. Tanıdır, M.E. Cebeci, C. Gençoğlu, and O.B. Tör, “A strategy to enhance AGC performance of power systems that suffer inter-area oscillations and a case study for Turkish power system,” International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Elsevier, Vol. 43, No: 1, pp. 941-953, 2012.
  • Gencoğlu C., Tör O. B., Güven N., Bölgeler Arası Düşük Frekanslı Generatör Salınımlarını Sönümleyici Faktörler ve Türkiye ENTSO-E CESA Enterkonneksiyonu için Çözümler, EMO Bilimsel Dergi, Cilt 1, Sayı 1, Syf 45-49, Haziran 2011.
  • O. B. Tör, A. N. Guven, M. Shahidehpour, “Promoting the Investment on IPPs for Optimal Grid Planning,” IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, vol. 25 no. 3, pp. 1743-1750, Aug. 2010.
  • O. B. Tör, A. N. Guven, M. Shahidehpour, “Congestion-Driven Transmission Planning Considering the Impact of Generator Expansion,” IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, vol. 23 no. 2, pp. 781-789,  May 2008.
  • O. B. Tör and M. Shahidehpour, “Transmission Management in the Aftermath of Electricity Restructuring in Turkey,” The Electricity Journal, vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 38-46, Aug./Sep. 2006.
  • O. B. Tör, M. Shahidehpour, “Electricity Restructuring in Turkey: Promises and Predicaments” IEEE Power & Energy Magazine, Vol. 3, Issue 3, May-June 2005, pp. 25-29.

Güç Sistemleri Bilgi Teknolojileri

  • Terciyanlı, E., Demirci, T., Küçük, D., Saraç, M., Çadırcı, I., and Ermiş, M. “Enhanced Nationwide Wind Electric Power Monitoring and Forecast System”. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. (Accepted)
  • Küçük, D., Salor, Ö., Güder, M., Demirci, T., İnan, T., Akkaya, Y., Çadırcı, I., and Ermiş, M. "Assessment of Extensive Countrywide Electrical Power Quality Measurements through a Database Architecture". Electrical Engineering March 2013, Volume 95, Issue 1, pp 1-19.
  • T. Demirci, A. Kalaycıoğlu, D. Küçük, Ö. Salor, M. Güder, S. Pakhuylu, T. Atalık, T. İnan, I. Çadırcı, Y. Akkaya, S. Bilgen, M. Ermiş, “Nationwide Real-Time Monitoring System for Electrical Quantities and Power Quality of the Electricity Transmission System”, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol.5, no: 5, pp. 540-550, April 2011.
  • Salor, O.; Gultekin, B.,Buhan, S.; Boyrazoglu, B., Inan, T., Atalik, T., Ak, A., Terciyanli, A., Unsar, O., Altntas, E., Akkaya, Y., Ozdemirci, E., Cadrc, I., Ermis, M., "Electrical Power Quality of Iron and Steel Industry in Turkey," Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on , vol.46, no.1, pp.60,80, Jan.-feb. 2010
  • O. Salor, S. Buhan, O. Unsar, B. Boyrazoglu, E. Altintas, T. Atalık, B. Haliloglu, T. Inan, A. Kalaycıoglu, A. Terciyanlı, A. Ac¸ık, T. Demirci, E. Ozdemirci, I. C¸ adırcı, M. Ermis, “Mobile Monitoring System to Take Nationwide PQ Measurements on Electricity Transmission Systems”, Elsevier Measurement Journal, Vol.42, pp. 501-515, 2009.
  • D. Kucuk, T. Inan, O. Salor, T. Demirci, Y. Akkaya, S. Buhan, B. Boyrazoglu, O. Unsar, E. Altıntas, B. Haliloglu, I. Cadircı, M. Ermis, “An extensible database architecture for nationwide power quality monitoring”, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, accepted for publication, Nov. 2009.

Otomasyon Teknolojileri

  • Cem Sahin, Mohammed Shahidehpour, “Allocation of Hourly Reserve Versus Demand Response for Security-Constrained Scheduling of Stochastic Wind Energy,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy Sayı: 4, 1, pp: 219 – 228, 2013
  • Cem Sahin, M. Shahidehpour, I. Erkmen, " Generation Risk Assessment in Volatile Conditions with Wind, Hydro, and Natural Gas Units," Elsevier Applied Energy, Volume 96, Ağustos 2012, sayfa: 4–11,
  • B. Gultekin, C.O. Gercek, T. Atalik, M. Deniz, N. Bicer, M. Ermis, N. Kose, C. Ermis, E. Koc, I. Cadirci, A. Acik, Y. Akkaya, H. Toygar, S. Bideci  “Design and Implementation of a 154 kV, +-50 MVAr Transmission STATCOM Based on 21-Level Cascaded Multilevel Converter,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Sayı:48-3, pp: 1030-1045, 2012
  • T. Atalik, M. Deniz, E. Koc, C.O. Gercek, B. Gultekin, M. Ermis, I. Cadirci “Multi – DSP and –FPGA Based Fully Digital Control System for Cascaded Multilevel Converters Used in FACTS Applications,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Sayı:8-3, pp: 511 – 527, 2012.
  •   B. Gultekin, C.O. Gercek, T. Atalik, M. Deniz, N. Bicer, M. Ermis, N. Kose, C. Ermis, E. Koc, I. Cadirci, A. Acik, Y. Akkaya, H. Toygar, S. Bideci  “Design and Implementation of a 154 kV, +-50 MVAr Transmission STATCOM Based on 21-Level Cascaded Multilevel Converter,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Sayı:48-3, pp: 1030-1045, 2012
  • Cem Sahin, Zuyi Li, M. Shahidehpour, I. Erkmen, "Impact of Natural Gas System on Risk-Constrained Midterm Hydrothermal Scheduling," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Sayı: 26, 2, pp: 520 – 531, 2011
  • H. Bulent Ertan, Bulent Dag, Gerard Capolino, “Calculations of Parameters of Single-Phase PM Motor for Design Optimization’’ IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol.20, No.3, September 2005.