Power Systems

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Vice Presidency of Energy Tecnologies Power Systems Analysis and Planning Group meets the high-level analysis and simulation needs of both public and private institutions in the electricity generation, transmission and distribution sectors.

Professional power system analysis software is used in the projects, and models are developed in line with analysis purposes. In general terms, consultancy and product development studies are carried out on the development of cost-effective solutions and analyses, within the scope of such activities as investment planning, need recognition to meet technical criteria, performing risk and impact analyses and determining remedial solutions.

Fields of Activity;

  • Transmission and distribution master plans and security analyses
  • Renewable energy grid integration and compatibility analyses
  • Development of electrical network information systems and software
  • Analyses on smart grids and integration of innovative grid technologies
  • Development of big data processing and deep learning supported electrical power transmission system operation and planning tools
  • Grid simulations based on generation schedule (unit commitment)
  • Inter-country AC and DC interconnection feasibility studies and analyses
  • Protection-coordination analyses and design of special protection systems
  • Feasibility and cost/benefit analyses for power systems
  • Short/medium/long term national and regional demand forecasting algorithms
  • Real-time power system modeling and simulation infrastructure


Current Projects

Load Dispatch Consultancy Project (2020-2023):

In the project, Load Dispatch company is provided with the software, technical support, analysis and consultancy services for the operation of the electricity transmission system with high quality, continuously, reliably and economically. In this context, efforts are underway to create decision support software for network monitoring and management (PV solar generation forecasting, status forecasting, making the most appropriate maintenance plans for generation and transmission infrastructures, etc.) and to create an energy management infrastructure for the transmission system operator with domestic resources.


Current Projects

Protection Tools Development Project (2019-2021):

With the project, it is aimed to model and analyze the protection infrastructure of the electricity transmission system against failures and unforeseen situations, to carry out continuous analyses and to create a sustainable protection inventory. Owing to the information system infrastructure and algorithms developed in this context, periodic analyses are conducted on the transmission network protection system, and technical support is provided to network operators so that they can carry out the protection coordination in the most accurate way.

Technical Support and R&D Project on Planning (2017-2021):

The main objective of the project is to provide technical support to network planners in the creation of proper investment plans on the electricity grid by performing qualified analyses. In this context, the subjects of the project are as follows: studies on the integration of renewable energy systems into the transmission system, studies on the integration of energy storage systems into the grid and feasibility, comprehensive impact and cost analyses for the integration of new FACTS technologies into the grid, research on new HVAC and HVDC voltage levels for the transmission grid and analysis of the main backbone.

Completed Projects

Load Dispatch Information System Development Project (2017-2021):

In the project, efforts were spent to develop a Load Dispatch Information System, which provides tools for electrical system monitoring, reporting and analysis, which are vital for the transmission system operator to operate the network continuously, reliably and economically with high quality. Owing to the system developed in this context, hourly data of energy flow among transformer centers, generation facilities, regional and national load dispatch centers are collected together with the transmission system topology data, and national and regional network forecast and security analyses are made using machine learning and advanced analysis capabilities. The system supports grid operators in electrical energy business with its advanced analysis, visualization and reporting capabilities.

Technical Support Project on TEİAŞ Renewable Generation Connections And Ancillary Services (2014-2018):

In this project, technical support and analysis services were provided for TEİAŞ, which operates the electricity transmission system, and tools were developed to operate the transmission system in a healthy, reliable and economical manner. The project studies and objectives are generally as follows:

  • To create a roadmap for the renewable energy transformation of our national grid by considering efficiency and power system constraints and determining optimum capacities for wind and solar power plants, which are expected to spread rapidly in the electricity system,
  • To determine the technical criteria of the ancillary services required for the balanced and stable operation of the electrical system,
  • To ensure a safe operation of the network economically by developing a reserve optimization tool on secondary frequency control service,
  • To develop software that enables the determination of voltage/reactive power reference values in order to increase efficiency by reducing network losses.

TEİAŞ General Technical Support Project (2013-2017)

Technical support activities were carried out within the scope of the project, including transmission system planning, dynamic analyses and advanced analyses of international connections. In addition, a national special protection system was developed for the transmission system security problems that already existed in the Northeastern Anatolia region and emerged after the Georgia HVDC Back-to-Back connection was made, and the field application was made with real-time tests.

Transmission System Framework Program Project (2013-2017)

With the project, studies were carried out to establish a transmission system protection-coordination database and to provide consultancy/service on the optimization of protection system setting values. In addition, in order to create value from the data collected in the transmission system, efforts were spent to create a platform for archiving the loading information of all generation and transmission elements in a way that can be retrospectively queried and transferred directly to analysis programs, and to automatically generate all relevant reports.

APK Master Plan Project (2010-2012)

As part of the project, a methodology was determined for the 10-year transmission system master plan and a network master plan was created for the transmission network. In this context, an investment plan on regional and national basis was created for the transmission network and international connection options were analyzed. In this way, accurate and timely planning, which is one of the most important requirements for stable, high quality and uninterrupted operation of the network, was ensured.

AVIKOR- Technical Support Project on European Transmission Coordination  (2010-2012)

Within the scope of the project, studies were carried out to improve the interconnection performance of the Turkish transmission network after the connection with ENTSO-E. In this context, technical support was provided to the relevant TEİAŞ unit, as well as spending effort on setting adjustments in power plants, setting up automatic generation controllers and establishing a platform for interconnection lines.

Technical Consultancy Projects on the Interconnection of Turkiye – UCTE (ENTSO-E) Electrical Systems (2004-2011):

Within the scope of the project, the experts of our group conducted the feasibility, planning and analysis studies on the connection of the Turkish Electricity System with Europe. The efforts in this context can be summarized as follows;

  • Development of electrical network models,
  • Determination of connection points and safe electricity trade limits,
  • Making a dynamic model of Turkish electricity system and European grid, and stability analyses,
  • Analyses of oscillations that might occur after connection,
  • Making adjustments by visiting 50+ switchboards,
  • Providing technical support in international meetings.


  1. O. Boncukçu, S.S. Tezcan, O. Tanidir, "Modeling and Verification of Northeastern Part of Turkish Grid in Real-Time Simulator", 13th International Conference on Technical and Physical Problems of Electrical Engineering (ICTPE-2107), Van, Turkey, September 2017
  2. S. Eren, D. Kucuk, C. Unluer, M. Demircioglu, Y. Yanık, Y. Arslan, B. Ozsoy, A. Guvercinci, I. Elma, O. Tanıdır, Y. Olmez, S. Sonmez, ‘’A Ubiquitous Web-based Dispatcher Information System for Effective Monitoring an Analysis of the Electricity Transmission Grid’’, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Vol: 86, pp. 93-103, March 2016.
  3. E. Partal, H.F. Bilgin, E. Altıntaş, T. Avcı, E.B. Özmen, Ö. Tanıdır, ‘’ Harmonic Performance Requirements and Mitigation for Back-to-Back HVDC in Turkish Transmission System’’,  Cigre 2016 Session, Paris, France, 2016.
  4. A. Güverçinci, S. Eren, Y. Yanık, Ö. Tanıdır, ‘’ Determination Of Regional Transmission Connection Capacities In A Deregulated Environment’’, ELECO 2015, Bursa, Turkey, Nov. 2015.
  5. Ö. Tanıdır, O. B. Tör, ‘‘Accuracy Of ANN Based Day-ahead Load Forecasting In Turkish Power System: Degrading And Improving Factors’’, Neural Network World Vol. 25.4, pp. 443-456, 2015. 
  6. O. B. Tör, “A New Methodology for Integrating Zonal Tariffs of Transmission Capacity and Losses,” International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Elsevier (under review).
  7. Y. Arslan, A. Birtürk, S. Eren, ’’ Basin Clustering Of Turkey By Use Of Monthly Stream-flow Data’’, IEEE 14th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, Miami, USA, Dec. 2015.
  8. Ö. Tanıdır, M.E. Cebeci, C. Gençoğlu, and O.B. Tör, “A strategy to enhance AGC performance of power systems that suffer intaer-area oscillations and a case study for Turkish power system,” International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Elsevier, Vol. 43, No: 1, pp. 941-953, 2012.
  9. M. E. Cebeci, O. B. Tor, C. Gencoglu, A. N. Guven, “A Geographical Zoning Methodology for Nodal Transmission Use-of-System Tariffs” IEEE PES General Meeting, San Diego, USA, July 2012
  10. O. B. Tor, M. E. Cebeci, C. Gencoglu, O. Tanidir, “Investigation of Necessary Transmission Enforcements at the Balkan Region of ENTSO/E in the sense of Inter-area Oscillations after Interconnection of Turkey”, ELECO 2011, Bursa, Turkey, Dec. 2011
  11. C. Gencoglu, O. B. Tor, O. Tanidir, “Technical Feasibility Analysis of the Proposed 2x350 MW HVDC Substation Between Georgia and Turkey”, 43rd North American Power Symposium, Northeastern University, Boston, USA, August 4-6, 2011. 
  12. Gencoğlu C., Tör O. B., Güven N., ‘’Bölgeler Arası Düşük Frekanslı Generatör Salınımlarını Sönümleyici Faktörler ve Türkiye ENTSO-E CESA Enterkonneksiyonu için Çözümler’’, EMO Bilimsel Dergi, Cilt 1, Sayı 1, Syf 45-49, Haziran 2011.
  13. O. B. Tör, A. N. Guven, M. Shahidehpour, “Promoting the Investment on IPPs for Optimal Grid Planning,” IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, vol. 25 no. 3, pp. 1743-1750, Aug. 2010.
  14. O. B. Tör, A. N. Guven, M. Shahidehpour, “Congestion-Driven Transmission Planning Considering the Impact of Generator Expansion,” IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, vol. 23 no. 2, pp. 781-789,  May 2008.
  15. M. E. Cebeci, S. Eren, O. B. Tor, A. N. Guven. “Transmission and Substation Expansion Planning using Mixed Integer Programming’’, IEEE PES, 43rd North American Power Symposium, Northeastern University, Boston, USA, August 4-6, 2011.
  16. M. E. Cebeci, O. B. Tör, A. Nadar, “İletim Sistemi Kullanım Tarifelerinin Marjinal Maliyet Esaslı Yöntemler İle Hesaplanması Ve Bölgesel Tarife Oluşturma Yöntemi,” II. Elektrik Tesisat Ulusal Kongresi, EMO İzmir Şubesi, Kasım 2011.
  17. Elma İsmail, Tör Osman Bülent  “Impact of Wind Penetration Level on Optimum Transmission Planning” IET Renewable Power Generation Conference, September 6-8, 2011,  Edinburgh, UK.
  18. O. B. Tor, C. Gencoglu, O. Yilmaz, E. Cebeci, A. N. Guven, “Damping Measures against Prospective Oscillations between Turkish Grid and ENTSO-E CESA System,” IEEE PES, Powercon 2010, China.
  19. C. Gencoglu, O. B. Tor, O. Yilmaz, E. Cebeci, A. N. Guven, “Assessment of the Effect of Hydroelectric Power Plants’ Governor Settings on Low Frequency Inter Area Oscillations” IEEE PES, Powercon 2010, China.
  20. C. Gencoglu, O. B. Tor, O. Tanidir, “Türbin Hız Regülatörü Parametre Optimizasyonu ile Hidrolik Santrallerin Kararlı İşletim Kriterlerinin Sağlanması - 2x150 MW Borçka Hidrolik Santrali Örneği “ ELECO 2010, Bursa, Turkey, Dec. 2010. (En iyi bildiri ödülü.)
  21. Cebeci M.E., Tör O. B., Yılmaz O., Güner E., Nadar A., “Nehir-Tipi Hidroelektrik Santrallerinde Kararlı ve Güvenli Çalışma Sınırlarını Belirleyen Faktörler,” (Determining Factors for Stable and Safe Operation of Run-off River Type Hydraulic Power Plants)ELECO’08, Bursa, Turkey, Nov. 2008.
  22. M. E. Cebeci, U. Karaağaç, O. B. Tör, A. Ertaş “The Effects of Hydro Power Plants’ Governor Settings on the Stability of Turkish Power System Frequency”, IEEE PES, ELECO 2007, Bursa, Turkey, Dec. 2007.
  23. M. E. Cebeci, O. B. Tör, U. Karaağaç, M. Altın, M. Akdeniz, and A. Nadar “Master Plan for the Electricity Distribution Network of Istanbul European Side”, IEEE PES, PowerAfrica’07, Johannesburg, South Africa, July 2007.